How to Check if a List, Tuple or Dictionary is Empty in Python

Using Implicit Boolean Evaluation

Empty lists, tuples, or dictionaries evaluate to False. Use if not container: to check if they are empty.

Using len() Function

Check size explicitly with len(container) == 0. It works for lists, tuples, and dictionaries alike to confirm emptiness.

Direct Comparison with Empty Structures

Compare directly to empty literals, like if container == [] for a list or if container == {} for a dictionary.

Using bool() Function

Pass the container to bool(). It returns False for empty containers and True otherwise, simplifying checks.

Using Try-Except for Safe Access

For dynamically assigned containers, use try to access and except for handling unassigned or empty states safely.

Custom Functions for Clarity

Define helper functions like def is_empty(c): return not bool(c) to improve readability and maintainability in larger projects.