What Is The String In Python

The string is a Python data type. In this article, we will know what is the string in python, How to reverse, concatenate, and compare the string in Python. To get the most out of this article, you need to have the basic knowledge of Python. If you don’t check our intro to python here. […]

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How to install python on windows installation guide

Prerequisites In this article, we will talk more about how to install python on windows. If you’re new to python. You can check our beginner guide to python to know more about its usage. In this article, we will talk about: Downloading Python How to install it Install Python in windows OS How to uninstall […]

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What is python used for: Beginner’s Guide to python

Prerequisites If you’re looking forward to learning python, chances are that you will find this post quite useful. Here you will learn about Python. What it is used for? where to learn it? To know more about any language, you need to know a little bit about its history. by knowing its history you will […]

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Python’s string.replace() Method – Replacing Python Strings

Replacing Python Strings Often you’ll have a string (str object), where you will want to modify the contents by replacing one piece of text with another. In Python, everything is an object – including strings. This includes the str object. Luckily, Python’s string module comes with a replace() method. The replace() method is part of […]

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Python’s range() Function Explained

What is Python’s range() Function? As an experienced Python developer, or even a beginner, you’ve likely heard of the Python range() function. But what does it do? In a nutshell, it generates a list of numbers, which is generally used to iterate over with for loops. There’s many use cases. Often you will want to […]

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Python’s time.sleep() – Pause, Stop, Wait or Sleep your Python Code

Suppose you are developing a user interface, and you support it with your code. Your user is uploading a document, and your code needs to wait for the time the file is being uploaded. Also, when you visit a complex having automated doors, you must have noticed that while you are entering the complex, the […]

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