Unlocking Python’s Full Potential: A Guide to Cleaner, Efficient Code

Ever felt like your Python code could be a bit cleaner, or maybe run a tad more efficiently? You’re not alone. In the vast world of Python programming, there are countless tips and tricks to enhance your code’s readability, efficiency, and overall elegance. From leveraging the power of enumerate and list comprehensions to mastering the […]

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How To Parse a String in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Python programmers often use the string data type to store and modify text as needed.  Sometimes, developers find themselves needing to extract some specific information from strings. For example, a programmer may need to extract all the URLs present in a block of text. This process is referred to as parsing a string.  Python offers […]

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Python Input() Function: A Complete Guide

In Python, the input() function enables you to accept data from the user. The function is designed so that the input provided by the user is converted into a string. In this brief guide, you’ll learn how to use the input() function. Syntax of the input() Function The input() function is quite straightforward to use […]

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Python String Interpolation: A Comprehensive Guide

There was a time when inserting values into strings dynamically was challenging in Python. This is why the string interpolation feature was introduced in Python 3.6. With it, you can insert variables into strings. String interpolation makes string formatting straightforward, allows flexibility and output generation, and makes the code more readable. There are many string […]

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How To Use The Python Readlines() Method: A Beginner’s Guide

Python offers several ways to read files. The readlines() function is one of them. It allows Python to accept a text file as input and then store every line of text in the file as an element of a list. This function reads text files until it reaches the end-of-file (EOF). Then, it returns the […]

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How To Use The C Library Function Fprintf()

C’s fprintf() function shares similarities to the printf() function, in that they are both used to output text.  The key difference between them is that fprintf() shares formatted output to a file stream rather than on the stdout console. In this brief guide, we will help you understand what fprintf() is and how to use […]

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Installing Scikit Learn Using pip: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re working on building machine learning applications, coding from scratch isn’t such a good idea.  Relying on libraries such as the popular open-source scikit-learn library is an excellent way to get started – whether you’re a novice or an experienced Python programmer. But how do you install scikit-learn on your machine? Turns out, there […]

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How To Install PyTorch Using pip: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re getting into deep learning projects, you will need the PyTorch library on your machine. This popular library boasts two prominent features, without which deep learning modeling would be a lot more challenging.  The core data structure the library offers, Tensor, is easy to migrate to GPUs for the fastest computing. It also features […]

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How To Install OpenCV using pip: A Step by Step Guide For Beginners

If you’re looking for a Python library to help accomplish computer vision related tasks such as analyzing images and processing them, you’re looking for the OpenCV library.  Most Python developers rely on this open-source library for image processing and machine learning tasks. It’s one of the more popular libraries out there, capable of recognizing human […]

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Python Or Operator: A Beginner’s Guide

Using Boolean operators is a straightforward way to test conditions that determine the execution flow of your Python programs.  The or operator in Python is one of the three Boolean operators Python offers. In this brief guide, we’ll walk you through how to use the operator.  How Does “or” Work in Python? The Boolean or […]

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