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Last Updated: Tuesday 13th June 2023

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What is Connected CMMS?

Connected CMMS is a new method of maintenance and property operations that connects your systems, personnel, and processes. It extends the scope of CMMS beyond maintenance and work orders to streamline processes, facilitate the involvement of stakeholders, and boost efficiency and connectivity in one location. best replica watches rolex

Connected CMMS is the most efficient way to provide a single pane of glass for large property operations and maintenance teams.

Instead of requiring operations professionals to depend on various point solutions to handle jobs that extend beyond maintenance, emails to communicate, spreadsheets for reports, and so on, Connected CMMS integrates every operational workflow, including client engagement and property maintenance to workplace management and management of vendors to asset performance and IoT information -- in a single comprehensive platform.

Most O&M work is performed not in CMMS but outside of it.

There's a problem with how the CMMS/CaFM systems are constructed, even as a record-keeping system. They are no longer compatible with the portfolios of real estate operations.

Portfolios are constantly evolving and require attention in terms of the engagement of clients as well as contract management, spend visibility, condition-based maintenance optimization of portfolio scale ....the list is endless.

In the current CMMS model, however, there is more work to be done via spreadsheets and emails than the CMMS. And that's not even mentioning the difficulty of logging into several systems to satisfy different needs. Every workflow has to go through various tools, digital and analog, becoming inefficient, ineffective, and slow with every step.

Your CMMS has to change beyond the realm of Asset & Maintenance Management.

How Connected CMMS rethinks CMMS into a modern 'system of action.'

We live in a time when using enterprise software is just as easy as texting - it's fast, user-friendly, simple to use, and powered by cutting-edge technology. In contrast, 56 percent of O&M stakeholders face maintenance and operations technologies and digital transformation challenges. The current CMMS solely focuses on technicians and has little to no automation or integration with the rest of the O&M technology stack.

Connected CMMS API increases efficiency and transforms how user experiences are provided by integrating processes, people, and systems.

What should ConnectedCMMS (really) be, and how do we take it on?

Connected CMMS is a flexible approach. The connected CMMS approach does not require you to completely replace your current technology stack and begin from scratch. It's designed to work with your current enterprise operations and business software and develop infrastructure (sensors and the supervisory infrastructure). It must be constructed using an API-first design that democratizes and normalizes data to allow access to third-party applications. It should be designed to serve O&M stakeholders (Owners, operators, tenants, and Occupants) via mobile, web, and Kiosk applications. It is essential to use a zero-code SaaS platform instead of a point solution method to address the most common automation, customization, and integration problems related to portfolio operations and maintenance.

Connected CMMS boils it down to three pillars/steps:

  1. Automation
  2. Engagement
  3. Efficiency

Step 1: automate the processes within CMMS to make operations simpler and reduce time

Typically, today's operations teams are working with multiple systems of records. This means that various tools store and transfer information across the team. Additionally, it is also the case that they make investments in software or develop their dashboards and analytics. In the end, your routine workflows are slow and confusing. They are also packed with constantly changing tools and hard to track. For instance, teams use emails for communication with each other, calls or chats for alerts, tools for enterprise use for accounting and vendor CRM, spreadsheets for reporting, and all other things.

To address this issue, Connected CMMS assists companies move from a system for the record' to a system of action' by utilizing workflow automation.

It connects processes through the automation of various processes throughout the lifecycle. This includes work order creation, sending notifications, alerting technicians, communications, and approvals, creating dashboards, reports, reports, etc. When all the routine tasks are handled by automated workflow, your team will have the time and energy to concentrate on revenue optimization and delivering value to the customers.

Step 2: Get involved with O&M participants within CMMS for increased visibility and value across all levels

From the beginning, Your CMMS must be designed to ensure participation across the board rather than as an extra-curricular feature. It should provide users with user interfaces essential to the operation of the property unit, including but not limited to property managers, field technicians, executives, property managers, and management, who will have access to the data they require at the time they require it. All key stakeholders from outside (occupants and employees at work as well as tenants/customers and contractors) are required to be served at their location via mobile, web, or Kiosk applications.

Connected CMMS aids enterprises in democratizing information access, boosting internal collaboration, and enhancing user experiences by involving multiple stakeholders.

From financial and asset insights and org-wide progress monitoring to feedback and interactive responses to service requests, Connected CMMS can meet all stakeholder needs.

Step 3: Allow fully connected operations in CMMS by integrating OT in a meaningful way

Running PPMs is not the only business operational requirement. Buildings have more needs around energy management, occupant health, and efficiency/predictive maintenance. Connecting to the building system and gathering real-time information is crucial to optimizing the processes that are related to it. Additionally, CMMS as an independent solution is not sufficient. It's essential to connect to third-party applications and software to realize the maximum enterprise O&M value.

Connected CMMS allows you to create seamless digital experiences more quickly with an API-first approach that integrates out of the box with BMS sensors, BIM or any third-party software for business.

It allows interoperability, addressing the most frequent integration issues with enterprise applications. By democratizing data from third parties access, you are able to accelerate the process of portfolio-scale IoT deployments without the need for duplicate site-level integrations and create new efficiencies on a larger scale.