Python How To’s
A collection of small, useful, how to’s for Python.
Bubble Sort: Quick Tutorial and Implementation Guide
Prerequisites T0 learn about Bubble Sort, you must know: Python 3 Python data structures – Lists What is Bubble Sort? In the last tutorial, we saw how to search for an element from unsorted and sorted lists. We discovered that search efficiency is greater when the lists are sorted. So how do we sort a […]
Read MoreHTML Parser: How to scrape HTML content
Prerequisites Knowledge of the following is required: Python 3 Basic HTML Urllib2 (not mandatory but recommended) Basic OOP concepts Python data structures – Lists, Tuples Why parse HTML? Python is one of the languages that is extensively used to scrape data from web pages. This is a very easy way to gather information. For instance, […]
Read MoreHow to Convert Dictionary Values to a List in Python
In Python, a dictionary is a built-in data type that can be used to store data in a way thats different from lists or arrays. Dictionaries aren’t sequences, so they can’t be indexed by a range of numbers, rather, they’re indexed by a series of keys. When learning about dictionaries, it’s helpful to think of […]
Read MoreHow to Use Python to Convert Miles to Kilometers
It can be so frustrating that the entire planet can’t just agree on one system of measurement, whether it relates to measuring distances, weights, temperatures, etc (for the record…same goes for which side of the road everyone drives on). If every country used the same units of measurement, then these formulas would be useless and […]
Read MoreHow to Multiply Matrices in Python
In Python and most other OOP programming languages, multiplying two numbers by each other is a pretty straightforward process. Where it gets a little more complicated, however, is when you try to multiply two matrices by each other. A matrix, as you may know, is basically just a nested list, or a number of lists […]
Read MoreHow to Check for Object Type in Python
This beginner’s Python tutorial will teach you the basics of how to check for an object type in Python. As you probably already know, different types of objects in Python. Objects can be lists, strings, integers, etc. There may be times in your career as a developer where you need to know the difference between one […]
Read MoreUsing Exponents in Python
By now, you probably know how to multiply and divide numbers in Python. Multiplication in Python is fairly simple and easy to do. But what about using exponents? How would you raise a number to the second power, for example? If you’re not sure, you’ll probably find the answer pretty straightforward. To raise a number […]
Read MoreMultiplying and Dividing Numbers in Python
Multiplication is a fundamental operation in the arithmetic and programming world. We can find its use in every program(or in the logic behind every code), no matter how basic it is. Thus a programmer must know how to multiply integers, decimals, complex numbers, and strings in Python to create an efficient and accurate code. In […]
Read MoreUsing Python to Find the Largest Number out of Three
Here’s a useful snippet that will show you how to use Python to find the largest number out of any three given numbers. Basically, the snippet works by using the if…elif…else statements to compare the three numbers against each other and determine which one is the largest. Check out the snippet below to see how […]
Read MoreUsing Python to Check for Number in List
Today’s Python snippet is brought to you by the “in” keyword. In Python, we can use the in keyword for lots of different purposes. In terms of today’s snippet, we’re going to use it to check if a particular number is in a list. To begin, let’s say we have a list called coolNumbers. Take […]
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